wanna join us? write us at tomas.matus (at) uv.es
At TOMSBio lab we seek to create a multidisciplinary team where exact & computational sciences and food technology & agriculture topics are emphasized and combined. Because we believe that the scientific process is more fun when conducted in teams, we promote and foster collaborative research both inside and outside the lab (read more about Team Science here). The use of English inside the lab is encouraged between all team members.
Master’s thesis (TFM) offered at TOMSBio lab
(1) Computational: Análisis DAP-seq para comprender la regulación de diferentes vías metabólicas especializadas en plantas de interés fitofarmacéutico. / DAP-seq analyses to understand the regulation of different specialized metabolic pathways in plant species with phytopharmaceutical interest.
(2) Computational: Generación de redes de co-expresión génica con data masivos transcriptómicos/ Generation of co-expression networks with transcriptomic big data.
(3) Computational: Integración de ómicas para la identificación de nuevos reguladores del metabolismo de: i) cannabinoides, ii) artemisinina, iii) estilbenoides, iv) terpenos/ Integration of omics for the identification of new regulators of the metabolism of: i) cannabinoids, ii) artemisinin, iii) stilbenoids, iv) terpenes.
(4) Computational: Desarrollo de plataformas web para la visualización de redes y datos ómicos/ Development of web platforms for the visualization of networks and omic data
(5) Computational/Experimental: Elicitación de cultivos celulares vegetales y aproximaciones ómicas para estudiar la producción de metabolitos secundarios con interés terapéutico /Elicitation of plant cell cultures and omic approaches to study the production of secondary metabolites with therapeutic interest.
(6) Experimental: Identificación a escala genómica de sitios de unión de reguladores transcripcionales del metabolismo secundario en plantas /Genomic scale identification of binding sites of transcriptional regulators of secondary metabolism in plants.
Past job positions
Non-doctor researcher position called for TOMSBio lab: hiring of research personnel (Contractat Investigator no Doctor UV CPI-19-243). Both the text of the call with the application form are available on the following websites: Request link here. Link to the call here.
FPU Call for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2020 – Starting 2021 (Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2020). Scholarship fo University teaching staff (FPU), within the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020. The call will be open in late 2020.
FPI Call for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors 2019 – Starting 2020 (Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctores 2019). Training of doctors through the financing of labor contracts, under the modality of predoctoral contract, to carry out a PhD thesis associated with projects PGC2018-099449-A-I00: »APROXIMACIONES DE BIOLOGIA DE SISTEMAS PARA COMPRENDER EL ROL DE LOS FACTORES DE TRANSCRIPCION MYB EN LAS REDES REGULADORAS DEL METABOLISMO SECUNDARIO DE FRUTOS CARNOSOS», from the ‘Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento en el marco del Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema de I+D+I’ Text of the call with the application form are available on the following websites: Request link here. Link to the call here. Application deadline: from October 17 to November 7, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. (peninsular), both inclusive.
Here are some useful links if you are interested in joining our group
Master’s Degrees at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV).
- Master’s Double Degree in Agricultural Engineering + Food Science and Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Plant Genetics and Breeding
- Master’s Degree in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology
- Master’s Degree in Green Chemistry
PhD Program in Biotechnology. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UV).
PhD Program in Science, Technology and Food Management. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV).
PhD Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Universidad de Valencia (UV).